Environmental Policy | Classy Moose™ – ClassyMoose™

Environmental Policy

Classy Moose™ is committed to promoting, developing, and encouraging positive
actions towards the environment, with a focus on reducing, reusing, recovering, and
recycling containers, packaging, materials, and products, while also valuing these
resources from a conservation perspective.
Environmental protection and the rational use of resources, key pillars of sustainable
development, are at the heart of our actions. While we adhere to legal obligations, we
firmly believe that sustainable development is achieved through concrete daily
actions. Therefore, within the framework of our environmental policy, Classy Moose™
and all of its employees commit to:

General Principle
 Manage our activities responsibly and in accordance with the principles of
sustainable development.

Ecological Management of Residual Materials
Exemplarily manage residual materials inline with environmental
management principles.

Use and Acquisition of Goods and Services
Apply, whenever possible, criteria for the acquisition or rental of goods and
services that are environmentally friendly and aligned with sustainable
development principles.

Sustainable Business Relationships
Encourage our partners, within the scope of each collaboration or service
contract, to adopt sustainable development principles and comply with
environmental legal requirements.

Information, Awareness, and Education
Implement actions to inform, raise awareness, and educate our partners and
clients, encouraging eco-civic behavior in their daily actions. We recognize the
importance of these fundamental principles and the need to adhere to our
environmental policy.